Tools and utilities for FSX: BglAnalyzeX v1.0, FSX Decompiler v1.2 & FSX Flightplan Converter v1.0.

FSX Tools & Utilities

FSX Tools & Utilities
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Tools and utilities for FSX: BglAnalyzeX v1.0, FSX Decompiler v1.2 & FSX Flightplan Converter v1.0.

> BglAnalyzeX v1.0
| Built by Winfried Orthmann, BglAnalyzeX is a disassembler for FSX's *.bgl files. The output of the utility, Bgl Analyze X, is an *.xml file, which can be compiled with bglcomp without errors.

> FSX Decompiler v1.2
| Created by Peter van der Veen, this small program decompiles FSX and FS9 traffic *.bgl files to the so much used aircraft.txt, airports.txt and flightplans.txt files which are used by TTools from Lee Swordy.

> FSX Flightplan Converter v1.0
| Built by Jens Rabmund, this tool converts the flightplans generated with TTools by Lee Swordy for FS2004 into flightplans ready to compile with FSX SDK Traffic Database Builder. It is very useful if you want to add AI traffic into FSX using schedules created with TTools or simply convert for FSX all your FS9 flight plans.

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 FSP (FSPainter) Repaints
 HTAI (Henry Tomkiewicz AI) Repaints
 SBAI (Sergei Bunevich AI) Repaints
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